Tuesday 24 July 2012

Analyzing a picture

What message is this picture trying to send us about the media?


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  2. I think what the picture is telling us is that we are media's prisoners. We can't get out of it.

  3. I think it's telling us that we can't stop watching television and can't read newspaper because we are in television jail.

  4. I think that the picture is showing us that we are trapped in between all the media and that we are chained to it and cant get loose.

  5. I see it as it's telling us our minds are locked by the media, being forced to only be able to think about the media and not what WE want to think. Also, the television tied to his foot means that there is no escape from the media and they WILL get you to do what they want you to.

    1. I agree with Azim. If we started to get addicted to media "You will be forced to only be able to think about the media and not what you want to think"

  6. I think the picture is saying that the media is like a drug. Once you start using it, you can't seem to forget and stop using it.

    1. I agree with sherina because medias are addictive like a drug. Once we start to use media, we won't be able to try not to use it and we will never forget it. Its same as a drug. People take drugs as they think it makes them feel better and that makes people addicted.

    2. I agree, it really is like a drug to everyone. You can't stop using/seeing the media.

  7. I think this picture is trying to tell us that once you have started using media you cannot do anything else like you are tied up in front of the TV so you cant do other stuff.

  8. i think this picture is trying to tell us that we are in a media jail and we can't get away from it.

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  11. I think the picture is showing that we are the slave of media(advertisement,etc.) by using media.

  12. Great answers everyone. Make sure you read and reply to other people's responses. What about the 'consume' message from the television along with the message from the paper?

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  14. I think the picture is showing us that he doesn't have an ability to make his own decision to choose which media is he going to use first because he seems to think another media when he's already using one. It's just because of he is addicted of medias. So he can't get out of medias and keeps finding another media that is available to be used.

  15. I agree with Jenny. t looks like it doesn't have the ability to choose what it wants to do.

  16. It shows how people get trapped by the media and have no way to avoid it. The person doesn't have
    an ability to chose on his own.
