Wednesday 12 September 2012

Body Image - Media Vs. Mind

Watch the video above and explain how the media makes people feel about their appearance/how they look.


  1. The media makes people feel insecure, like your not good enough for anything, your either too fat or too skinny to do anything. Thinking like that makes you lose focus on more important things going on in the world. Girls have starved themselves to become skinny, like models and boys have pushed themselves past their limit to look buff, like athlete.

  2. Great answer yes. It's a crazy world when normal girls starve themselves to be skinny. So many people not feeling good about their healthy bodies. How do you think the media makes people feel so insecure?

  3. I think media makes people feel insecure by showing great body like strong body, etc. They will see them and compare each part of body between advertise body (fake body) and their body (normal body). But ofcourse, they can't beat the fake body. So they will try more exercise or starve or they will plastic surgery to become prettier and they will become Android.

  4. The media uses models with 'perfect' bodies to make people feel insecure and what they are, isn't sufficient to be 'something' in this world. For females, this would be skinny, etc. For males this would be about being buff and muscular. Normal people who see these advertisements everywhere will be under their influence and will do anything they must to look like or surpass the appearances of the models in the advertisements.

    1. I agree, the media makes people to feel insecure and will do anything to look like the 'perfect' models.

  5. The media makes people feel bad about how they look. Makes girls wish they were skinnier and taller or have perfect skin, eyes, etc. They make boys feel bad and they should be muscular and sporty, etc. No one feels happy about themselves since no one can look like all the models. Not even the models can look perfect because the media 'fix' them on a computer. People will buy anything they think can fix them to look 'perfect'.

  6. the media makes people feel bad and they will do anything to look like the models

    1. I agree with Amierul, people who feel bad of them selves will do anything to look like the models

  7. This kind of media will make people feel bad of them selves and the models in the media look better than them so those people who feel bad of them selves will think that if they buy the product, it will make those people feel better of them selves

  8. The Media only shows skinny, pretty girls and big and muscular guys to make people think they're not pretty and skinny enough so they will use the product the companies are advertising.

  9. The media is showing a perfect body image that was created originally by some modeling agencies for their own purposes but in reality nobody can look that perfect. People should accept the way they are, not comparing to the others.

  10. I think people are beautiful no matter who they are. And i have a strong feeling that the advertisers and media people know that too.They make you feel that you are nothing compared to the 'others'. while the 'others' feels the same way. Because of the media and advertisements, people feel so insecure.The thing they think most is, "if only i was her/him" while they are perfect the way they are. The media companies do this by comparing you to models and celebrities. Well unless you want to compared to cheap make-up and photo shop, you should feel good about yourself.Some adds make you want to be others while some companies just straight forwardly say you are not good enough.LIES. THEY JUST WANT YOU THINK THAT!.....THEY JUST WANT MONEY! Overall, don't believe what they say. It is a just a trick to make us feel insecure so we need their product. Well if they make you want to be them. And they make them want to be you. Then you know that you should be happy they way you are.

  11. The media shows perfect everything but the media people are editing the photos and making the models perfect, making them look better than in reality and making us, as the public feel less confident about ourselves making us want this for our bodies and our appearance, this clip in particular shows how the media affects our mental health and how we need to not worry because we are all great just the way we are.

  12. I think it is saying that the media makes people do all sorts of things to there bodys and there minds, to be like these models they see in the media.
    When they don't know that these models aren't as pretty and glam as they are seen in the media. Like it makes them feel un confident and they try change. The media only uses the pretty, strong and perfect models but they probally dont know what is happening to other people because of this.

  13. The media is trying to make us insecure, feel bad about ourselves and make us have low self-esteem so we will buy their products but in reality, the famous models are actually not as they look in magazines and advertisements so that makes them just the same as us. Everyone is not perfect but just be the way you are because you are fine that way.
